Fact-Based Discovery

Comprehensive fact-based discovery is the foundation of UncommonX technology

The foundational capability of UncommonX technology is our patented discovery technology. With one virtual appliance, UncommonX can discover everything on and connected to a network. This discovery builds a real-time inventory of all existing data from all available sources and correlates the collective information with network telemetry to determine all connections within your environment at any given time (including any device type whether traditional IT, OT or IOT).

The result

Assets are inventoried along with their

  • Functional role
  • Location
  • Subnet
  • Support group
  • And all associated vulnerabilities

This detailed reporting continuously informs your team which assets represent the largest risks to the organization, as well as who needs to be notified when problems arise. Here's how the process works.


Our technology assembles this information into easily digestible information dashboards which are used to view risks, segment data for easier management, or assign based on roles, profiles, or ownership:


The UncommonX platform provides a comprehensive assessment of vulnerabilities using fact-based discovery of all network elements, then maps them to the NIST framework, and reports on high priority issues and opportunities to be addressed.


The UncommonX platform provides the ability to sort and create a report of all hosts with specific vulnerability or vulnerability of certain severity, then assign and process them through remediation workflows.


Devices with designated priority (such as servers and applications) will score higher risk given specified conditions over standard role assets such as workstations.